

Full Record

View all of the information about a record that is contained in the product database. The title of the document appears at the top of the page.

Any or all of the following fields may appear in a record, depending on the content and type of the source document. If no data are available for a particular field, then the field does not display.


For information about managing links, go to Managing Links.


Full Record Fields


The original title of the work such as:

  • Article
  • Book
  • Book Chapter
  • Conference Proceedings
  • Conference Proceedings Paper
  • Patent
  • Dissertation
  • Report
  • Report Section


Patent Number

The patent number is a unique identifier of a specific patent. Example: DE10146433-A1


Patent Assignee

The name of the person or organization to which the rights to the patent have been assigned.



The author(s) of the article, book, conference paper, etc. If the author name is unknown, then [Anon] appears in this field.

Please note that you cannot add a record to the My Cited Articles list in ResearcherID for anonymous authors.



The name of the inventor(s) of the patent.


Edited by

The name of one or more editors of a source publication. Note that a corporate author can also be an editor.

Click the hyperlink to see a complete list of documents edited by the selected person.



The name of the translator. Applies only to books or book sections.


View ResearcherID and ORCID

This table lists the authors who have claimed the document as their work in ResearcherID or ORCID. Click an identifier to view the author's publication list in ResearcherID or ORCID. An author may have a ResearcherID or an ORCID iD or both identifiers.

If you are the author of the article, you can add it to your publication list in ResearcherID by clicking the arrow next to Save to EndNote online and selecting Save to ResearcherID.



The publication from which information in the Full Record was taken. Source information may include:

  • Volume
  • Issue
  • Pages
  • Part Number
  • Abstract Number
  • DOI (Digital Object Indentifier)
  • Publication Date


Abstract Number

The abstract number associated with the record.


Translated Source

If Full Record information was taken from source published in a language other than English, the translated source provides an English-language translation of the title, along with:

  • Volume
  • Issue
  • Page range
  • Publication date


Original Source

If the source publication is an English-language translation, the original source shows the non-English title, along with:

  • Volume
  • Issue
  • Page range
  • Publication date


Conference Information


The full title of the conference at which the item was presented. The field may be present for an item that describes a conference paper or conference proceedings appearing in a journal. If the conference paper is not in a journal, then no conference title may appear.

The date and location of the conference may appear in the Conference field.



The author abstract from the source document or an Inspec supplied abstract where no suitable author abstract was present.


Auther Information

Author Address

The reprint address of the first (primary) author or the corporate author. Records in the Inspec Archive - Science Abstracts 1898-1968 do not have this field.


Inventor Address

The address of the inventor.


Editor Address

The reprint address of the primary editor. Records in the Inspec Archive - Science Abstracts 1898-1968 do not have this field.



The name and location of the publisher for books, reports, conferences, proceedings, and dissertations. Also, for journals published from 1996 to the present.


Categories / Classification

Research Areas

Research area of the source document. This field may contain more than one research area.


Astronomical Object Indexing

The astronomical object indexing code. Contains controlled designations for astronomical objects discussed in the paper.  Note the following designation types.

  • Name based acronyms (e.g. LMC for the Large Magellanic Cloud).

  • Catalogue based, containing an acronym for the catalogue followed by the catalogue entry number. This may be sequential (e.g. NGC 204) or it may represent an approximate location in the sky, usually in terms of right ascension and declination (e.g. PSR 1913+16) or galactic coordinates (e.g. G 345.01+1.79).

  • Positional information only (e.g. 013022+30233).

Records in the Inspec Archive - Science Abstracts 1898-1968 do not have this field.


Chemical Indexing

The chemical indexing codes, applicable for records published from 1987 forward. Contains, controlled data on the significant substances and material systems discussed in the paper. Organic substances are not covered by this indexing. Records in the Inspec Archive - Science Abstracts 1898-1968 do not have this field.


Classification Code(s)

The classification code(s) and their descriptions that correspond to Inspec Classification codes.



CODEN is a unique, six-character code assigned to publications by the International CODEN Service.

CODEN of Original

This field exists only if the CODEN is the CODEN of a translated journal.


Controlled Indexing

The preferred terms assigned to the document from the Inspec Thesaurus.


Uncontrolled Indexing

Free-language terms and phrases, not found in the Inspec Thesaurus, that are assigned by Inspec indexers to provide a more exhaustive description of the source document. Records in the Inspec Archive - Science Abstracts 1898-1968 do not have this field.


Document Information

Document Type

The selected document type. For example, Article, Book, or Conference Proceedings.

Book Chapter Count

The total number of chapters in a book.



The selected language of the source document.


Classification Code(s)

The classification code(s) and their descriptions that correspond to Inspec Classification codes.


Original Patent Application Number

The original patent application number assigned to a patent when it was originally filed. It applies only when a patent under consideration was filed at an earlier date in another country.


Accession Number

The accession number is a unique identifying number assigned to each record. For example:

Accession Number: 12346174

Earliers records from the Inspec Archive - Science Abstracts do not have this field.


Patent Priority Date

The Patent Priority Date.

Date Filed or Submitted

The date the patent was filed or submitted to the patent-issuing authority.


Country of Original Patent Application Number

The country that assigned the original patent application number. It applies when priority is claimed by an earlier patent application in another country.


Country of Patent

The country of issuing authority.


Country of Publication

The country of publication.


Country of Translation

The country that performed the translation.



The source or supplier for reports and dissertations. May occur in book and conference records.



The International Standard Serial Number is a unique eight-digit number that identifies periodical publications such as journals and electronic publications. If a journal has both a print ISSN and an electronic ISSN, then both display. The format is four numbers, a hyphen (-), three numbers, and then a check character that may be a number or X. Example: 1367-4803


ISSN of Original

This field exists only if the ISSN is the ISSN of a translated journal.

ISSN of Translation

This field does not appear in archived records.


Number of References

The number of references cited in the source publication or patent. Does not appear in conference proceedings records.


Journal Information

Table of Contents: Current Content Connect®

This field contains a link to the Current Contents Connect® Browse Journals page where you can browse the table of contents of journals and books covered by the editions and collections to which you subscribe in Current Contents Connect.

Performance Trends: Essential Science IndicatorsSM

This field contains a link to Essential Science Indicators where you can perform in-depth analysis to find data for ranking scientists, institutions, countries, and journals. With Essential Science Indicators, you can:

  • Explore science performance statistics and science trends data, based on journal article publication counts and citation data
  • Determine research output and impact in specific fields of research
  • Evaluate potential employees, collaborators, reviewers, and peers

Impact Factor: Journal Citation Reports®

The Journal Impact Factor is defined as all citations to the journal in the current JCR year to items published in the previous two years, divided by the total number of scholarly items (these comprise articles, reviews, and proceedings papers) published in the journal in the previous two years.

Though not a strict mathematical average, the Journal Impact Factor provides a functional approximation of the mean citation rate per citable item.  A Journal Impact Factor of 1.0 means that, on average, the articles published one or two years ago have been cited one time.  A Journal Impact Factor of 2.5 means that, on average, the articles published one or two years ago have been cited two and a half times.  The citing works may be articles published in the same journal.  However, most citing works are from different journals, proceedings, or books indexed in Web of Science Core Collection.


Other Information


The selected treatment type. Records in the Inspec Archive - Science Abstracts 1898-1968 do not have this field.


U.S. Copyright Clearance Center Code

The US Copyright Clearance Center Code, a fee code that consists of an ISSN or ISBN, a forward slash, the last two digits of the publication year, and the fee for authorization to photocopy an item.


US Government Clearing House Number

The US Government Clearing House Number assigned to a report for Federal scientific and technical information.


Unique Identifier

This number is assigned to each record for archived data. The number is constructed from the year, section, and abstract number of the item's appearance in the Science Abstracts journals.

The format of the identifier is as follows, where:

YYYY is the Science Abstracts year

S is the Science Abstracts section letter (A, B, or C) as defined:

  • A - Physics (1903 - 1968) (Note that A is arbitrarily assigned for 1898 - 1902 items since there was no section at that time)
  • B - Electrical and Electronic Engineering (1903 - 1965)
  • C - Computers and Control (1966 - 1968)  

NNNNN is the Science Abstracts abstract number.

For example: 1903B00123


Other Information


The Universal Resource Locator (URL) for an electronic document.


Contract Number

The contract number under which work described in a technical report has been performed.


Document Collection URL

The Universal Resource Locator (URL) for a collection of electronic documents such as electronic journals.


Document Number

The publisher's unique document-specific identifier. These numbers are used by publishers to identify articles in electronic journals.


Issuing Organization

The name of the organization and country that issued the dissertation or report.


Numerical Data Indexing

The numerical data indexing code, applicable for records published from 1987 forward. The data are likely to be operating or experimental parameters rather than measured values or experimental results. Records in the Inspec Archive - Science Abstracts 1898-1968 do not have this field.


Original Indexing

Index terms assigned to records in archived data years 1898-1968. Each main term may contain multiple subheadings.



The Serial Item Contribution Identifier of journal articles.

SICI of Original

This field exists only if the SICI is the SICI of a translated journal.


Report Number

The primary identification number assigned by the issuing organization to a report.


Language of Summary

Exists only if the language of the summary is different from the language of the document.

Language of Text

The original language of the journal article. For example: German


Other Information

Associated Data

Click the link to view the metadata associated with this record from the Associated Data results page in the Data Citation Index. The metadata includes:

  • Title
  • Authors / Group Authors
  • Source information
  • DOI URL hyperlink
  • Document Type (Repository, Data Study, or Data Set)
  • Software

Note that you can also access and view associated records from the Cited References page.


Patent Data Fields

Patent Number

The patent number is a unique identifier of a specific patent. Example: DE10146433-A1


The inventor(s) of an invention.

The full names of Chinese, Japanese, and Korean inventors display in this field.

Patent Assignee

Patent assignee names appear as given in the source material.

Did You Know ... The ampersand (&) is substituted for "and" in English name companies.

Patent Priority Information

Contains the patent application number and application date in parentheses, and the assignee name in brackets.


Date Filed or Submitted

The filing date of a dissertation.


Other Information

Associated Data

Click the link to view the metadata associated with this record from the Associated Data results page in the Data Citation Index. The metadata includes:

  • Title
  • Authors / Group Authors
  • Source information
  • DOI URL hyperlink
  • Document Type (Repository, Data Study, or Data Set)
  • Software

Note that you can also access and view associated records from the Cited References page.


Citation Network

Times Cited

The Times Cited count displays the total number of times a published paper was cited by other papers within our database products such as Web of Science Core Collection and BIOSIS Citation Index . The link takes you to a Citing Articles page in one of our citation indexes.

Access to records is limited to your institution's subscription.


Cited References

The Cited References count displays the number of documents cited by the current record. Click the link to view the list of cited references. From there you can view the full record of each cited reference. (Access to the full records of cited references may be limited to your institution's subscription.)


To view records that share cited references with the record you are viewing in the current product database, click the View Related Records link.

The assumption behind Related Records searching is that articles that cite the same works have a subject relationship, regardless of whether their titles, abstracts, or keywords contain the same terms. The more cited references two articles share, the closer the subject relationship.

The link displays the total number of related records within one of our citation indexes such as Web of Science Core Collection or BIOSIS Citation Index .

Access to records is limited to your institution's subscription.


Create Citation Alert

This feature requires a subscription to the Web of Science Core Collection. Contact your System Administrator for more information if this feature is unavailable at your institution.

To create a citation alert for the current record, click the Create Citation Alert button in the right-hand column of the Full Record page.

A citation alert notifies you by e-mail whenever a document you specify has been cited by a new article. Go to Saved Searches & Alerts (located in the My Tools menu) to see the expiration date of the alert. You may renew the alert at any time. We will send you an e-mail approximately two weeks before the alert expires to remind you to renew the alert.

To set up your alert settings, you must be a registered user and you must sign in to Web of Science.

  1. Click the Create Citation Alert button.

  2. Select an e-mail format: Plain Text, HTML, EndNote, or Field Tagged.

  3. Click the Create Citation Alert button.

  4. Click Close to complete the process.


Use in Web of Science

The Use in Web of Science Counts includes counts from the following citation indexes:

  • Web of Science Core Collection
  • BIOSIS Citation Index
  • Chinese Science Citation Database
  • Data Citation Index
  • Russian Science Citation Index
  • SciELO Citation Index

Access to citing articles is limited by your institution's subscription.


Output Records

Options to output records are available from the Results, Full Record, and Marked List pages.

  1. Select each record to include in the output.

  2. Select the data to view in the record output.

  3. Select an output option, such as:

  • Print
  • E-mail
  • Save to Endnote online
  • Save to EndNote desktop
  • Save to ResearcherID - I wrote these publications
  • Save to FECYT CVN
  • Save to InCites
  • Save to Other File Formats
  • Save to RefWorks

See also Output Records


Add to Marked List

Add records to your Marked List where you can later print, save, e-mail, order, or export from the Marked List page.

  1. Click the Marked List button that appears over the title of the record to add the current record to your Marked Records list.

  2. Check to make sure that a check mark icon replaces the plus sign. The number to the right of the check mark indicates the number of records that you have added to your Marked List during the current session.

  3. Click the Marked List button that appears in the menu bar at the top of the page to go to the Marked Lists page.

See also Marking Records


Save to ResearcherID - I Wrote These Publications

This feature allows you (or an authorized administrator) to add your published works to your publication list in ResearcherID. Use this feature if you see records that you wish to claim as your works.

  1. Select the record(s) that you want to include in your publication list in ResearcherID.

  2. Select  Save to ResearcherID - I Wrote These Publications to open a dialog box that displays a message asking you to certify that you are the author (or a designated proxy) of the selected document(s).

  3. One of the following will occur:

  • If you are currently signed in, the system takes you to a processing overlay and adds the selected record(s) to your publication list.

  • If you are not signed in, click the Sign in to ResearcherID link. Enter your credentials, and then press Continue. The system sends you to a processing overlay and adds the selected record(s) to your publication list.

  • If you are not a registered member of ResearcherID, click the Register with ResearcherID link. Enter a valid e-mail address and then press Continue to complete the process.


Designating Administrator Access

An administrator is an individual with a ResearcherID account who is associated with an organization or institution. The designated person can perform administrative activities within ResearcherID and utilize the ResearcherID upload web service. An administrator may be granted proxy access to the ResearcherID accounts of other researchers at your institution in order to manage and update their accounts.

For information on how to become an administrator for ResearcherID, refer to the FAQ How Do I get Access to Researcher ID Upload.


One-Click Search on Names

A one-click search on the name of a linked author, editor, or group author will retrieve all records by that person (within the selected timespan) that exists in the product database. Use this feature to narrow your search to records published by the selected person.

The new set of results is automatically added to the Search History table.


One-click Search on Terms

A one-click search of a linked term will retrieve all records that contain that term (within the selected timespan). Use this feature to narrow your search to records that contain a specific term.

The new set of results is automatically added to the Search History table.


EN Icon

A red EN icon indicates the record has been saved to your EndNote online library. Click the icon to go to your library.

This icon only appears if you have signed in and if the record is already in your EndNote library.

See also EndNote



This button opens a new Web page that contains a table with NCBI resource names that link to the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). This option is only available for records for which a PubMedID exists.

Visit the NCBI Web site to look for more information on a genome or nucleotide. Explore human genome resources or bring up a Map Viewer to browse the human genome sequence.