All Publishers Links

The Publisher Full Text Links report shows how many times per month in a given year that users activated a link from a database in Web of Knowledge to a source such as a full-text journal article or a book. Monthly totals are broken down by publisher.

For example, the following table shows that users accessed an article or a book published by Academic Press 1,100 times in October 2011 and an article or a book published by Blackwell 1,210 times in October 2011.

Date Academic Press
Chart graph
Blackwell Publishing
Chart graph
September 2011 898 1,050
October 2011 1,100 1,210
Total Use: 1,998 2,260
Average Use: 999 1,130

Click the graphic under the name of the publisher to view links data for that publisher plotted on a bar graph.

This help page last modified 08/31/2012