This report allows you to monitor your usage of
inbound links service calls made to us and the data that we returned to you for
the time period selected from the Article Match
Retrieval Usage page
Inbound links are
service calls made by publishers, partners, and institutions. A service call is
a query from your Web site to Web of Knowledge full records, citing
article counts, times cited counts, and more. Each service call is treated as
an event. Each time the service is called, we count the call as one event.
An event can handle up to 50 requests. Requests are unique citations within an
event and are counted separately from events.
Be aware that a count of zero ( 0 ) means data entitlement
but no usage data is available for that month. An empty field means your institution
is not entitled to data for that month.
Inbound Links
Total Calls: Each
service call is counted as one event. The system
displays the total number of times the service was called for a particular month.
Total Items Requested:
Displays the total number of matched and unmatched items that are requested by
the publisher, partner, or institution for a particular event.
Each unique citation counts as one request. Because each service call can contain
more than one item, each item in the request is individually counted. The total
count matches the total number of citations (requests) that we receive from a
publisher, partner, or institution.
Items Matched:
Displays the total number of items that are matched. We run each request that
we receive against our database and against your subscription entitlements. Each
item for which a match is found and data is returned is counted as one match.
Items Not Matched:
Displays the total number of items that are unmatched. Each item for which no
match is found and no data is returned to you is counted as one not match.
Items Returned
Full Record Links:
Successfully matched requests are counted individually within the Usage Reporting
system and are returned to the publisher, partner, or institution.
Times Cited Counts:
Successfully matched requests are counted individually within the Usage Reporting
system and are returned to the publisher, partner, or institution.
Citing Articles Links:
Successfully matched requests are counted individually within the Usage Reporting
system and are returned to the publisher, partner, or institution.
Related Records Links:
Successfully matched requests are counted individually within the Usage Reporting
system and are returned to the publisher, partner, or institution.
UTS: Successfully matched
requests using a unique identifier are counted individually within the Usage Reporting
system and are returned to the publisher, partner, or institution.
DOIs: Successfully matched
requests using a DOI are counted individually within the Usage Reporting system
and are returned to the publisher, partner, or institution.
5-Year Trend Graph Links:
Successfully matched requests are counted individually within the Usage Reporting
system and are returned to the publisher, partner, or institution.
Total Use
Displays the total number of items that are requested
by the publisher, partner, or institution for a particular event
over the entire time period for each category in the table.
Average Use
Displays the average number of items that are requested
by the publisher, partner, or institution for a particular event
over the entire time period for each category in the table.