

Implicit Citations in Arts & Humanities Citation Index

A unique feature of the Arts & Humanities Citation Index® is that it includes citations to works of art (books, paintings, photographs, architectural drawings, musical scores) that are mentioned or reproduced in an article but not formally cited by the author(s) of the article. Implicit citations may also include references to letters, manuscripts, diaries, and other primary sources.

For example, an article that analyzes the structure of a Bach cantata may not explicitly reference the cantata in a footnote or endnote. But Clarivate Analytics creates a reference to this work and adds it to the list of references cited by the article. As a result, you can use the Cited Reference Search option to search for the article by entering Bach J* as the cited author and Cantat* as the cited work.

Keep in mind that cited works may be in a language other than English. Thus, for example, to do a cited reference search on Thomas Mann's Doctor Faustus, you should enter Doct* Faustus OR Dok* Faustus in the Cited Work field to match Doctor Faustus, Docteur Faustus, and Doktor Faustus.


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To signify an implicit citation, the volume field will contain one of the following abbrevations:

IMP - Implicit citation
ILL - Illustration
MUS - Musical score