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Searches the Author and Editor fields within a record. Enter the last name first, followed by a space and up to five initials. Use the asterisk (*) wildcard after the initial(s). You may also enter last names without initials. Join multiple names with the Booleans (AND, OR, and NOT). Names of authors and editors generally appear in the product as last name first, followed by up to five initials. For records of articles published in 2006 and later, you may see two versions of a name in the Full Record. For example: Diaz, G (Diaz, Gregorio).
Author Index Click the author index icon to access a list of author names that you can add to your query. Using the Author Index allows you to select the correct spelling or variant spellings of a name. Search Tips
Surname First Names of authors from China (and certain countries) may be indexed in with surname first followed by the initial of the given name or, less frequently, with given name first, followed by the initial of the surname. Thus, it is a good idea to search for both forms. For example: Enter Lin Y* OR Tang L* to find papers authored by Lin Yu Tang. |