

Saved Searches

Search histories saved to our server are listed alphabetically by name in the saved histories table. The name of the product appears in the Database column.

To open and run a search history:

  1. Click the Open button in the row that contains the search history that you want to run.

  2. On the View History page, click the Run Search button.

  3. If desired, change your timespan and settings.

  4. Click the Continue button to go to the Search History page.

  5. Click the desired number link under the Results column to go to the Results page to view and / or output your records.


Open Search History from Your Workstation

To open a search history that was saved to the hard disk of your computer or to a local network:

  1. Select the check box of a saved search history from the Saved Searches column.

  2. At the bottom of the Saved Searches and Alerts overlay, click Choose File.

  3. Navigate to the folder or directory where your search histories are stored.

  4. In the dialog box, select the search history that you want to open, and then click the Open button to go to the View History page.

  5. On the View History page, click the Run Search button.

  6. If desired, change your timespan and settings.

  7. Click the Continue button to go to the Search History page.

  8. Click the number link in the Results column to go to the Results page.


Saved Searches Table

The saved searches table lists the search histories you have saved to our server. The saved searches are in alphabetical order by product and then by history name.


Saved Search Column

Displays the name of the search history that you assigned when you saved your search as a history file.

A description of the search history appears under the search history name. You provided the description when you originally saved the search history on the Save Search History page.

The Query field displays the search query. For example: TOPIC: (amazon river fish*)

Note: We add the text P00[N] to each search history name that was saved in ISI Proceedings and carried over to the next Web of Science platform release.


Database Column

The name of the product in which the saved search was created. When you click Open, the search runs in the product for which it was created.


RSS Feed

To set up an RSS (Rich Site Summary) feed:

  1. Click the RSS Feed button to go to a Web page that displays the name of the selected search history file.

  2. Click the Subscribe to this feed link to open a dialog box.

  3. Click the Subscribe button on the dialog box.

You are automatically notified when articles in your search history are cited by another author. You do not need to renew the alert in order to continue to receive RSS feeds.


 Alert Status

Search alerts have three states: On Off, and Expired.

This column shows the status of the e-mail alert. If the status is On, the expiration date displays. Click the Renew button to renew the alert for six months beyond the displayed date.

If the status is Off, and you wish to turn it on.

  1. Click the Edit button of a particular search history to go to an overlay.

  2. Enter a new name for the saved search history and a new description. These fields are optional.

  3. Enter an e-mail address in the E-Mail Address field. This field is required.

  4. Select an e-mail format: Plain Text, HTML, EndNote, or Field Tagged.

  5. Select an e-mail frequency. Depending on the product that you are currently searching, the options will include Weekly, Monthly, Each Update, or Every 4 Updates.

  6. Click the Save button to complete the process.


Renew Button

Alerts have three states: On Off, and Expired.

Click the Renew button to renew On and Expired alerts and to renew the expiration date of active alerts. Once you click the button, the Alerting status for Expired alerts changes to On and the expiration date is six months in the future from the current date.


Delete Button

This feature allows you to delete selected search histories or all of them.

  • Select the check box of the search history you want to delete, and then click the Delete button to remove the search history from the table.

  • Click Select All and then click the Delete button to remove all search histories from the table.

Click OK when you are prompted to delete one or all search histories. You cannot reverse this action after you click the Yes button.


E-mail Formats

Plain Text

An ASCII text file.


Hypertext Markup Language. This format is suitable for display by a Web browser.


A field-delimited format that can be imported directly into a reference management applications such as:

  • EndNote®
  • Reference Manager®
  • RefWorks
  • Sente
  • Biblioscape

Field Tagged

A field-delimited format suitable for use with reference management applications such as:

  • EndNote
  • Reference Manager

If you use one of these products, we recommend that you select the Field Tagged format to simplify the import process.


Reminder - Register and Sign In

To view your saved searches, you must be a registered user and you must sign in.



Alerting is not currently available for searches saved from an All Databases search.