The context in which your search terms appear is key in determining the relevance of the document in which they occur. Locating your search terms in a large document can be difficult and time consuming.
Use highlighting to make your search terms, and other terms of interest, stand out visually from the text that surrounds them. Highlighting will appear in your result set, record views, and hit frequency map. You can choose up to ten colors to represent your terms, as well as save terms to be highlighted in the output of future queries.
Note that "Print background colors and images" must be enabled in your browser preferences in order for highlighting to print. See your browser documentation for details.
This chapter addresses the following topics.
The Highlighting Preferences screen, available from the main menu, is shown below.
Highlighting Preferences Features
The Activate Highlighting selector
The Default button
The Save button
The Default Highlighting Panel view selector
The Highlighting Fields selector
The Highlight Color selector
The Show Highlighting Within selector
The Activate Highlighting selector
This is a global on-off control for Highlighting. By default, Highlighting is on.
The Show Highlighting Within selector
Choose to highlight your search terms in result sets, record views, printing or saved searches, or any or all of these. By default, all are checked.
Note that if you have unchecked Printing, highlighting will not be visible in the print preview.
The Highlight Color selector
Choose to highlight all search terms in a single color, or each in a different color. The default is Multiple Color.
To select the highlight color, click the down arrow on the color box to display the color list, shown above. Click on the color you wish to use.
If you chose Multiple Color, use the numbered color boxes to select highlighting colors. The first color box corresponds to your first search term, the second color box corresponds to your second search term, and so forth.
The Highlighting Fields selector
Select Do Not Restrict Highlighting to highlight search terms found in any field in the record.
Select Restrict Highlighting to Searched Fields Only to highlight search terms only in the fields that you searched, but not in any other fields.
The default is Do Not Restrict Highlighting.
The Default Highlighting Panel View selector
Select By Term to sort and display search terms by descending number of occurrences.
Select By Field to sort and display search terms according to the fields in which they occur.
The default is By Term.
The Default Button
Press the Default button to return
all your Highlighting preferences to their defaults. If you wish
to save the default settings, press the Save button.
The Save Button
Press the Save button to save
any changes you have made to your Highlighting preferences.
The Highlighting Terms Panel, available from the result set or the record view, is shown below.
Highlighting Terms Panel Features
The Current Terms Select All checkbox
The Current Terms list
The Highlighting Options bar
The Highlighting Preferences link
The Highlighting Help link
The Clear Current Terms button
The Upload List of Terms button
The Clear My Terms button
The Save to My Terms button
The Cancel button
The Save button
The My Terms Select All checkbox
The Enter New Term text box
The My Terms list
The Highlighting Options bar is shown below.
This is an on-off control for Highlighting. By default, Highlighting is on.
This setting remains in effect during the current session only. When you close this session, this setting will revert to that specified in Highlighting Preferences.
Select Do Not Restrict to highlight search terms found in any field in the record.
Select Restrict to Searched Fields to highlight search terms only in the fields that you searched, but not in any other fields.
The default is Do Not Restrict.
This setting remains in effect during the current session only. When you close this session, this setting will revert to that specified in Highlighting Preferences.
Show Highlighting Within
Choose to highlight your search terms in printing. By default, printing is checked.
Note that if you have unchecked Printing, highlighting will not be visible in the print preview.
Note that "Print background colors and images" must be enabled in your browser preferences in order for highlighting to print. See your browser documentation for details.
This setting remains in effect during the current session only. When you close this session, this setting will revert to that specified in Highlighting Preferences.
The Current Terms list is shown below.
The Current Terms list is a list of the search terms used in the current search. If you perform another search using different search terms, the Current Terms list will be replaced with the new search terms.
By default, current terms are listed in the order in which they appeared in your search. To sort the list in alphabetical order, click the word Terms in the terms column header. Click it a second time to reverse the sort order. To revert to the original sort order, close the Highlighting Terms Panel without saving, then reopen it.
Note that when you select a new sort order, the highlighting colors in the Select Color column are sorted as well. Each term retains its highlighting color choice.
The Current Terms Select All Checkbox
Active terms are terms you have chosen to highlight. To deselect all your current terms, uncheck the Current Terms Select All checkbox. Check this box to select all your current terms. By default, this box is checked.
You can also select or deselect any single term for highlighting by using its own individual checkbox.
This setting remains in effect during the current session only. When you close this session, this setting will revert to that specified in Highlighting Preferences.
Select Color
To select the highlight color, click the down arrow on a color box in the Select Color column to display the color list. Click on the color you wish to use.
The color settings in the Current Terms list are temporary. They always revert to those specified in Highlighting Preferences at your next session.
Click the Save Term icon in the
Options column to add that term to the My Terms list. If you close
the Highlighting Terms Panel without pressing the Save button, the term
will not be saved.
Click the Delete Term icon in
the Options column to remove a term from the Current Terms list.
If you close the Highlighting Terms Panel without pressing the Save button,
the term will not be removed.
The Clear Current Terms Button
Press the Clear Current Terms button to remove all terms from the Current Terms list. If
you close the Highlighting Terms Panel without pressing the Save button,
the terms will not be removed.
For many, if they care enough about a term to highlight it, they will just go ahead and add it to their query. But there are good reasons to highlight a term without actually adding it to your query:
You might be looking at the result set from a long complex query and see a related term or concept (not part of your query) that is interesting. Not so interesting that you want to change your result set at this point, just something want to watch for as you continue your review.
You might know there’s a term that you will ultimately want to put into your search, but you’d like some idea first of the field distribution of the term to help you decide whether or not to reconstruct your query and rerun your search.
You do a search that has nothing to do with these “extra” terms at all – but, as you browse the results and records, you see things worth highlighting so they can be reviewed more systematically.
My Terms is a saved list of terms that you sometimes wish to see highlighted, even though they may not be one of your current search terms.
Your My Terms list is retained across sessions.
The My Terms list is shown below.
Upload List of Terms
You can create a list of terms you wish to add to My Terms, save it on your local drive as a text file (filename.txt), and upload it to Thomson Innovation.
First, create the list and save it to your local drive.
Terms on a single line are considered a single term. For example,
lithium ion is entered as a single term.
Terms each on a line by themselves are considered separate terms. For example,
is considered two separate terms.
Press the Upload List of Terms button
Press the Browse button on
the Highlighting Upload panel, shown below, and path to your file.
Press the Upload button .
Press the Save button .
Clear My Terms
To remove all the terms from your My Terms list,
Press the Clear My Terms button
Press the Save button.
Enter New Term
To enter a new term into your My Terms list,
Type the new term into the Enter New Term text box. Note that a term may contain more than one word.
Optionally, change the highlighting color for the new term.
Press the Save to My Terms button
Press the Save button.
The My Terms Select All Checkbox
Active terms are terms you have chosen to highlight. To deselect all your saved terms, uncheck the My Terms Select All checkbox. Check this box to select all your current terms. By default, this box is checked.
You can also select or deselect any single term for highlighting by using its own individual checkbox.
checkbox settings are permanent. Unlike the Current Terms Active checkbox settings, the My Terms Active settings are retained across sessions, and never revert to the system defaults.
Select Color
To select the highlight color, click the down arrow on a color box in the Select Color column to display the color list, shown below. Click on the color you wish to use.
The My Terms highlighting color choices are permanent. Unlike the Current Terms color choices they are retained across sessions, and never revert to the system defaults.
To edit a saved term in My Terms,
Press the Edit icon , in the Options
column, located on the same line as the term you wish to edit. Note
that when the Edit icon is pressed, it becomes the Save Changes icon
Edit the term.
Press the Save Changes icon .
Press the Save button.
To permanently remove a single term from the My Terms list,
Press the Delete icon , in the Options
column, located on the same line as the term you wish to delete.
Press the Save button.
The highlighting panel, available in the record view, is a graphic representation of the number of occurrences of your search terms in the record, and their location in the record.
The highlighting panel is collapsed by default.
Press the Show Highlighting Panel button on the record
view screen to expand it. Press it again to collapse it.
The highlighting panel is shown below.
Above, the highlighted terms are sorted By Term. This is the application default. You can change this in your highlighting preferences. The first search term found is shown first. The fields in which the term occurs are listed in the order in which the fields appear in the record view. The size of the horizontal bar is relative to the number of occurrences in that field.
Additional information is available when you mouse over one of the bars. See below.
The information box contains the following data.
The number of this term occurrences in this field
The number of occurrences of this term in this record
The percentage of total occurrences in this field
Navigation bars are located at the bottom of the highlighting panel, one for each term found.
Click the left arrow to navigate to the previous occurrence of the term. Click the right arrow to navigate to the next occurrence of the term.
The highlighting panel can display your terms grouped by field, rather than by term. An example is below.
Highlighting appears in your result sets, record views, hit frequency maps and print copies. And that includes result sets generated from saved searches.
If you have highlighting turned on, and your search terms appear in one or more of the fields displayed on your result set, then you will see the highlighting on the result set – like the example following in which the highlighted terms are visible in the Title and Derwent Title fields on this patent search result set.
Following is a literature result set showing highlighting.
In the patent record view below, the Highlighting panel is shown expanded. Note that it is collapsed by default.
Expanding a field in record view automatically refreshes
the Highlighting panel to reflect the now-exposed highlighting in the
frequency count
Following is a literature record view showing highlighting in the record as well as the highlighting panel.
Following is a business record view showing highlighting in the record as well as the highlighting panel.
It is important to note that highlighting is based on searching – and, because of this, highlighting will not be available when the function you are using is not search-based. Examples of functions or activities that are not search-based and so will not display highlighting are:
Result sets generated from work files
Record views generated from work files