Quick Search

The Quick Search tool is available throughout Thomson Innovation.  It enables you to perform a fast and easy search of one or all content sets using a predetermined set of search fields and a predetermined date range.

This chapter addresses the following topics.

Selecting Content Sets

The fields searched in Thomson Innovation Quick Search are detailed in the table below.  To search only fields associated with a given content set, select that content set from the drop-down list.  To search all fields associated with all content sets, select All Content.  To search for a patent publication number without searching any of the other patent fields, select Patent Numbers.

The collections within each content set are as specified in your search preferences, and as determined by the terms of your subscription.

Date Range Searched

The date range searched is five years back starting the first day of the current year, as well as from the first of the current year to the date of the search.

Search Fields


Fields Searched in Quick Search



Text Fields


Patent Number




Publication Number




All Text Field