

Searching the Publication Name Field

Enter a publication name to search the Source field within a record. The product retrieves:

  • Journal titles
  • Books
  • Book titles
  • Book series titles
  • Book subtitles
  • Book series subtitles
  • And more ...


Enter a full or partial publication name followed by a wildcard (* ? $). For example: Cell Biology* finds:

  • Cell Biology International
  • Cell Biology International Reports
  • Cell Biology Research Progress

Enclose journal titles in quotation marks ( " " ) to find the exact named journal title. For example, "Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry" only returns records of articles published in Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.

Use the OR Boolean operator to find records of articles published in any of the specified publications. For example, "Forensic Toxicology" OR "Drug Testing and Analysis" finds records of articles published in either Forensic Toxicology or Drug Testing and Analysis.


Auto-Suggest Publication Name

You can quickly find a specific journal (or find similar journal names that may be valuable to your research) if you set Auto-Suggest Publication Names to ON under the Modify Settings section of the search page. The product displays up to 10 suggestions as you type at least 3 characters without beginning spaces. The list automatically updates as you type more than 3 characters.

Type GENE in the Publication Name field to see publications such as:

  • gene
  • gene amsterdam
  • gene expression omnibus
  • and more ...

Type GENE THERAPY in the Publication Name field to see:

  • gene therapy
  • gene therapy and gene delivery systems
  • gene therapy and molecular biology
  • and more ...

You can temporarily hide auto-suggestion by pressing the Esc key as you type characters in the Publication Name field.

Search suggestions are based on your organization's subscription. The selected journal name does not always guarantee that the system finds records because the search timespan you select may filter out qualified articles.


Modify Settings: Auto-Suggest Publication Names (Caution)

Selecting the Chinese language as the search language in All Databases or the Chinese Science Citation Database automatically turns off the auto suggestion setting in all silo product databases in Web of Science. The OFF option will actually appear in the Auto-Suggest Publication Names box in all product.

To turn back on the auto suggestion feature, you must first select English or Auto Select as the search language in Modify Settings. Next, you must set the Auto-Suggest feature to ON. Once this happens, the ON option will appear in the Auto-Suggest box in all product databases.

You can go to Web of Science Core Collection and other product databases and manually turn on Auto-Suggestions.


Booleans in Source Titles

Searching for journal titles that contain the OR Boolean is acceptable with Auto-Suggest Publication Name turned ON or OFF.



Many journal names contain an ampersand (&) in the title. The product returns the same number of records whether you enter the ampersand or not. For example:

  • Entering Past Present is the same as entering Past & Present and returns the same number of records.

  • Entering Language History is the same as entering Language & History and returns the same number of records.

  • Entering Science Education is the same as entering Science & Education and returns the same number of records.

However, journal titles in the Publication Name Index do not contain the ampersand. For example, the journal called Science & Education appears in the Index as Science Education.


Publication Name Search Examples

  • Journal of Cell Biology finds records of articles published in Journal of Cell Biology.

  • Journal of Cell* finds records of articles published in Journal of Cell Biology, Journal of Cell Science, Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, and so on.

  • Journal of Cell Biology OR Journal of Cell Science finds records of articles published in either or both publications.


  • Liver Transplantation* finds the book called Liver Transplantation: Challenging Controversies and Topics when you select the Book document type in Web of Science.


Conference Proceedings Search Rules

Always search on the main title of a conference. Do not include the subtitle. For example, the following searches are valid:

  • Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society (full publication name)
  • Proceedings of the American Antiquarian* (truncated publication name)

However, the following searches are not valid because they include a source subtitle.

  • jovan ducic under the signs of apollo and dionysis - HIS Views on Literature and Poetry (full publication name with subtitle)

  • HIS Views on Literature and Poetry (subtitle only)

  • HIS Views on Literature* (truncated subtitle)

Did You Know ... The title and the subtitle are always separated by a colon ( : ) in the source name.


Publication Name Index

Use the Publication Name Index to view a list of titles that you can add to your query. Using the index allows you to locate the preferred titles to add to your search.


Journal Search

For a complete list of journals in the product, go to our Master Journal List.

After you access the Master Journal List page, select the Journal Alerts tab. Then select a searchable index to:

  • Find a specific journal by title, title words, or ISSN.

  • View a list of all journals.

  • View a list of all journals covered in a specific subject category.

  • View a list of all journal coverage changes.


Source Publication List for Web of Science Core Collection

Click a link for a complete list of journal titles within the selected Web of Science journal index that you can review, save, or print.

See also Master Journal List for a list of journal abbreviations that you can enter in the Cited Work field when performing a Cited Reference Search.


Searching for Books

When searching for a book, try searching both the Topic and Publication Name fields.

For example, the book called The Rivers of Italy is part of a series called Ecosystems of the World. The Rivers of Italy is the title and Ecosystems of the World is the source publication. For example:

Topic: Rivers AND Italy
Publication Name: Ecosystems*


Journal Title Changes

The journal search page on the Clarivate Analytics website includes new journal titles added to Web of Science Core Collection over the past 12 months. The list also includes title changes, title updates, reactivations, and dropped titles.