

Patent Full Record

View all of the information about a patent record that is contained in the product. The title of the document appears at the top of the page.

Any or all of the following fields may appear in a patent record, depending on the content and type of the source document. If no data are available for a particular field, then the field does not display.


Full Record Fields


A concise descriptive English-language title written by Derwent Abstractors to highlight the content and novelty of the invention disclosed in the patent specification.

In some patents, the at @ sign may appear in a title. It is used to signify the occurrence of a chemical entity where that entity occurs as an element. For example, sodium@ indicates that sodium occurs as elemental sodium metal as opposed to where sodium occurs as a compound such as sodium chloride (common salt).


Patent Number(s)

The listed patent number(s) are for all members of the patent family.

The patent number is a serial number assigned to each patent document by the patent-issuing authority. Derwent inputs the two-character WIPO country code of the publishing country, followed by the serial number (up to 10 digits), and the status code indicating the document type or publication stage.

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The name(s) of the inventor(s) in the format LASTNAME INITIALS. The last name (family name) may contain a maximum of 30 characters followed by a space and up to 3 initials.

Records entered prior to 1992 were restricted to a maximum of eight inventors, with the exception of Soviet patents, which retained a limit of three. From 1978 to 1980 the limit was three inventor names with up to 10 characters each. Inventor names from Japanese patents are not included.


Patent Assignee Name(s) and Code(s)

The individual(s) or corporate body to whom all or limited rights of the patent are legally transferred, along with a unique four-letter code assigned by Derwent.

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Derwent Primary Accession Number

A unique identification number assigned by Derwent to the first patent in each patent family, and therefore to the record created for that family.

The format of each number is the year of publication and a six-digit serial number (YYYY-NNNNNN). The two digits within the square brackets represent the Derwent Week or Update number indicating when Derwent published the patent abstract.


Citing Patents

Displays the number of patent family records whose members have cited members of the current patent family. A zero means that no patents covered in the current database cite members of this patent family.

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Patents Cited by Inventor / Examiner

Displays the number of patents cited by the inventor / examiner. A zero means there are no patent references or the references were not keyed into the database.

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Articles Cited by Inventor / Examiner

Displays the number of articles (non-patent items) cited by the inventor / examiner. A zero means the patent has no article references or the references were not keyed into the database.

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The abstract is prepared by the Derwent Abstractor after reviewing the claims and the disclosure of the patent. Written in English, the abstract is concise, accurate, and relevant, covering the widest scope of the invention as set out in the main claim.

The abstract may include other categories such as Novelty, Detailed Description, Use, Advantage, and others depending on the selected patent.

Note: Historically, British spelling was used in Derwent Innovations Index, but American spelling is also present in the abstract (and also the titles). To ensure complete retrieval both options should be considered. For examples, see American / British terms and Derwent Abbreviations for a list of abbreviations used in both titles and abstracts.


Equivalent Abstract

An Equivalent Abstract is a patent that relates to the same invention and shares the same priority application date as a patent from a different issuing authority. The abstract is prepared by the Derwent Abstractor after reviewing the claims and the disclosures of the patent. In some instances, the Equivalent Abstract text may be an exact duplicate of the abstract, but it is issued from a different patent-issuing authority. Take note that any variations in the text may be due to British versus American spelling.


Technology Focus / Extension Abstract

A subscription to Technology Focus/Extension Abstracts is required and data must be available in the record.

Technology Focus: An optional abstract. It covers information relating to technology areas outside the core technology area of the invention. The Technology Focus Abstract is used to group information concerning how the invention is carried out into the technology area(s). By doing this, a reader can quickly identify whether a document outside the reader’s core area of technology is of interest. Information may be grouped under appropriate subheadings such as Agriculture, Biology, Biotechnology, etc.

Extension Abstract: An optional abstract that is only present when there is sufficient detail in the original patent document. It should be read in combination with the Technology Focus to make complete sense. The Extension Abstract has separate titled paragraphs, presenting the content of the patent document in a more easily understood form. It is ideal for scientists or engineers who need a detailed summary of a patent, free from legalistic jargon.


Show Documentation Abstract

Documentation Abstracts are written for all chemical patents that Derwent covers. They provide detailed English-language summaries of complete patent specifications. Each abstract highlights the importance of the patent.

Documentation Abstracts also extend the original abstract (which focuses on claims, uses, and advantages) to include examples, chemical reaction schemes, structures, and additional drawings and diagrams.

Did You Know ... This field only displays for users who have a subscription to Technology Focus/Extension Abstracts?



If available, drawings or diagrams are selected from the patent to illustrate key components of the invention. These are available for Chemical patents from 1992 to present and for Engineering and Electrical and Electronic patents from 1988 to present.


International Patent Classification

An internationally recognized classification system that is controlled by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and assigned to patent documents by Patent Offices that publishes the document. The IPC covers all technologies and is a useful system for searching patents with greater precision.

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Derwent Class Code(s)

The Derwent classification system is a unique system consistently applied to all patents. All technologies are covered by 20 subject areas designated as:

  • A to M (Chemical)
  • P to Q (Engineering)
  • S to X (Electrical & Electronic)

Each of the 20 subject areas is further subdivided into 3-character classes. The classification for A-M and S-X is applied by Derwent subject specialists. Classes for the Engineering sections P-Q are derived automatically from the International Patent Classification.

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Derwent Manual Code(s)

Derwent Manual Codes are assigned by Derwent's indexers to patents. They are used to indicate the novel technical aspects of an invention, and also its applications. Using manual codes to create a detailed search strategy can significantly improve the speed and accuracy of searching.

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Patent Details

Patent Number: A serial number assigned to each patent document by the patent-issuing authority.

Publ. Date: The date on which the patent document is made available to the public. The format is NN MMM YYYY, where "NN" is the date, "MMM" is the month, and "YYYY" is the year.

Main IPC: The classification number of the patent according to the hierarchical classification system produced by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).

Week: Represents the week the data was entered in the product database. The format is YYYYWW, where "YYYY" is the year and "WW" is the number of the week. Example: 200120

Page Count: Represents the original patent document.

Language: An indicator shows the language of the original patent, but only where it is possible for the patent to be published in one of a number of languages. For example, European (EP) patents can be published in English, French, or German. Within the overall patent family, patents may have been issued in a variety of languages.


Application Details

The application number is the local filing number assigned to the patent document by the patent office. The application date or filing date is the date on which the application was filed with the patent office. The filing of a patent application is normally in the applicant's domestic patent office.


Further Application Details

Additional information about a patent application is placed in this data field. For example, information about the three types of continuing applications appear in this field: continuation, continuation-in-part, and division.

Continuation: Second or subsequent applications that are filed while the original parent application is pending. Continuations must claim the same invention as the original application to gain the benefit of the parent filing date.

Continuation-in-Part: Referred to as a CIP, this is the same as the continuation with the exception that some new material may be included. The disclosure of the parent is usually amplified and the CIP may claim the same or a different invention. A CIP application is accorded the benefit of the filing date of the parent application to the extent of the two applications' common subject matter. The CIP must be filed while the original parent application is pending for any disclosed material in common with the parent.

Division: If the patent office decides that an application covers too large an area to be considered as a single patent, then the application is split into one or more divisional applications. A divisional application has the same specification as the parent but claims a different invention.


Priority Application Information and Date

Under the right of priority provision of the Paris Convention an application may be filed in one or more contracting states or countries within 12 months of the first application. In this case the original application number becomes the priority application number. Also, the original application date becomes the priority application date.


Designated States

Where applicants have requested their invention be protected by means of a European or PCT application, they have to designate the states or countries in which they want the patent to take effect and pay the appropriate fees.

National: Indicates the states in which the invention are protected by a national patent.

Regional: Indicates those where protection are via a European or other regional patent.


Field of Search

Field of search uses the international and US classes to indicate the general subject area that the Patent Office Examiner has searched to ensure that the invention was novel and involved an inventive step.


Chemical Section Fields


Displays the compounds associated with the patent record. Each compound will be displayed either in the DCR Number field or the Markush Number field. The DCR Number link goes to the Compound Full Record page for that number.

Did You Know ... The Roles field displays a list of roles associated with the compound? This data will only appear in compounds within the Full Record, not in compound summary data.


Markush Number(s)

Displays the Markush number and role of the patent record.


Ring Index Number(s)

Displays the Ring Index Numbers associated with the patent record. There may be zero or more RINs for each patent record.


Derwent Compound Number(s)

Displays the Compound Number / Role pairs.  Each row of the table may contain up to three two-column pairs. Each Compound Number is linked to another Results page containing chemical patents.


Derwent Registry Number(s)

Displays the Derwent Registry Numbers associated with the patent record. There may be zero or more registry numbers for each patent record.


Output Records

Options to output records are available from the Results, Full Record, and Marked List pages.

  1. Select each record to include in the output.

  2. Select the data to view in the record output.

  3. Select an output option, such as:

  • Print
  • E-mail
  • Save to Endnote online
  • Save to EndNote desktop
  • Save to ResearcherID - I wrote these publications
  • Save to FECYT CVN
  • Save to InCites
  • Save to Other File Formats
  • Save to RefWorks

See also Output Records


Add to Marked List

Add records to your Marked List where you can later print, save, e-mail, order, or export from the Marked List page.

  1. Click the Marked List button that appears over the title of the record to add the current record to your Marked Records list.

  2. Check to make sure that a check mark icon replaces the plus sign. The number to the right of the check mark indicates the number of records that you have added to your Marked List during the current session.

  3. Click the Marked List button that appears in the menu bar at the top of the page to go to the Marked Lists page.

See also Marking Records


Save to ResearcherID - I Wrote These Publications

This feature allows you (or an authorized administrator) to add your published works to your publication list in ResearcherID. Use this feature if you see records that you wish to claim as your works.

  1. Select the record(s) that you want to include in your publication list in ResearcherID.

  2. Select  Save to ResearcherID - I Wrote These Publications to open a dialog box that displays a message asking you to certify that you are the author (or a designated proxy) of the selected document(s).

  3. One of the following will occur:

  • If you are currently signed in, the system takes you to a processing overlay and adds the selected record(s) to your publication list.

  • If you are not signed in, click the Sign in to ResearcherID link. Enter your credentials, and then press Continue. The system sends you to a processing overlay and adds the selected record(s) to your publication list.

  • If you are not a registered member of ResearcherID, click the Register with ResearcherID link. Enter a valid e-mail address and then press Continue to complete the process.


One-Click Search on Inventor Names

A one-click search of a linked name in the Full Record will retrieve all records by that inventor (within the selected timespan) that exists in the product database. This feature allows you to narrow your search to only records published by the selected inventor. For example:

  1. You perform an Inventor search on Smith A and set the Timespan to All Years. The product returns 8,042 records.

  2. You search for a specific patent record by Smith A.

  3. You find the record and go to the Full Record page to review the record.

  4. You then click the linked Smith A name that appears in the Inventor(s) field.

  5. You are taken to a new results page that contains 124 patent records published by this inventor.

The new set of results is automatically added to the Search History table.


One-click Search on Terms

A one-click search of a linked code (for example, a Derwent Class Code) in the Full Record will retrieve all records that contain that code (within the selected timespan) that exists in the product database. This feature allows you to narrow your search to only records that contain that specific term. The new set of results is automatically added to the Search History table.


EN Icon

A red EN icon indicates the record has been saved to your EndNote online library. Click the icon to go to your library.

This icon only appears if you have signed in and if the record is already in your EndNote library.

See also EndNote


Caution ...!

If you are using Mac OS X 10.3 (or higher), you may experience some difficulty when you click the Show Document Abstract button for the first time to open a document abstract. If this occurs, set up your browser so that it recognizes .cgi files to view the document via Portable Document Format (PDF) or PostScript (PS).

Macintosh® is a registered trademark of Apple, Inc.



This button opens a new Web page that contains a table with NCBI resource names that link to the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). This option is only available for records for which a PubMedID exists.

Visit the NCBI Web site to look for more information on a genome or nucleotide. Explore human genome resources or bring up a Map Viewer to browse the human genome sequence.