

Searching the Author Identifiers Field

An author identifier is a ResearcherID or an ORCID iD.

  • A-1009-2008 finds records of documents authored by a researcher whose ResearcherID is A-1009-2008.

  • 0000-0003-3768-1316 finds records of documents authored by a researcher whose ORCID iD is 0000-0003-3768-1316.


Do not use a wildcard (* ? $) in your search query as the system may return unpredictable results.


View ResearcherID and ORCID

This table lists the authors who have claimed the document as their work in ResearcherID or ORCID. Click an identifier to view the author's publication list in ResearcherID or ORCID. An author may have a ResearcherID or an ORCID iD or both identifiers.

If you are the author of the article, you can add it to your publication list in ResearcherID by clicking the arrow next to Save to EndNote online and selecting Save to ResearcherID.


About ORCID®

The Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID, Inc.) is a non-profit organization that aims to solve the author/contributor name ambiguity problem in scholarly communication by creating a central registry of unique identifiers. These identifiers can be used within various systems you may interact with in your professional research workflow, including manuscript submission.

ORCID provides a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher and, through integration in key research workflows such as manuscript and grant submission, supports automated linkages between you and your professional activities ensuring that your work is recognized.

For more information, go to the ORCID home page.


ResearcherID Examples
  • B-9809-2012
  • E-5323-2012
  • C-5128-2011
ORCID iD Examples
  • 0000-0001-6298-2335
  • 0000-0002-6991-3743
  • 0000-0003-3768-8390


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