

Cited References

View a list of records cited by the document whose title appears at the top of the page.


Associated Data

View up to four titles from the Cited References page of records currently available from the Data Citation Index. The research data from these records are associated with the record whose title appears at the top of the page.

  • Select the record count to the right of the Associated Data field (or expand the list and select View All) to go to the Associated Data results page in the Data Citation Index where you can view all associated records.

  • Expand the field to display the title of the first four records in the list along with their data type: Repository, Data Study, or Data Set.

  • Select the title link of an associated record to go to the Full Record page in the Data Citation Index.

The Associated Data field only appears if Associated Data is available for a record. You must have a subscription to the Data Citation Index to view associated records in the current product.


Find Related Records

Click the Find Related Records link to retrieve records of documents that cite the same references. 

The assumption behind Related Records searching is that documents that cite the same works have a subject relationship, regardless of whether their text or titles contain the same terms. The more cited references two documents share, the closer is the subject relationship.


Cited References Results

Title Field

This line displays the title of the cited work (if known). A cited title may be a published article or some other publication type.

  • If the record is a source record in a product that you are currently searching, and your institution has a subscription to the product, then the title of the record is linked to the Full Record.

  • If the record is a source record in another product, and your institution has a subscription to that product, then the title of the record is followed by a view record in (product name) link that takes you to the Full Record in that product. For example:

          view record in BIOSIS Citation Index

  • If the record is a source record in a product, but your institution does not have a subscription to that product, then the system displays the record title but it is not linked to the Full Record.

  • If the record is not indexed in our products (not a source record), but Cited Reference data is available, then the system displays the title of the work but the record is not linked to the Full Record.

  • If the record is not indexed in our products (not a source record) and some data is available (for example, Author, Source, Times Cited), then the system displays Title [not available] and the record is not linked to the Full Record.


Web of Science Core Collection and BIOSIS Citation Index include books and book chapters in their indexes. The following citation indexes do not: Chinese Science Citation Database and Data Citation Index.


Foreign Title Field

This line displays the name of the cited foreign title if the title is indexed in the product.


Authors Field

This field displays the authors of a cited work. An author may include:

  • Cited Author
  • Cited Group Author
  • Cited Corporate Author
  • Cited Book Author
  • Cited Book Group Author
  • Cited Book Corporate Author
  • Cited Editor

The product displays full last names and first names of cited authors retrieved from the source record. If complete full name are unavailable, then the product displays the author's last name and the author's initials. If there are no authors, the product displays the term [Anonymous] to the right of the Author(s) heading.


Source Field

This field displays source information about a record such as Title, Published date, DOI number, and type of publication (for example, journal).


Times Cited Field

This field displays the total number of times a work was cited by other works.

When you click the link, the system takes you to the Citing Articles page. A Citation Summary table shows a breakdown of the Times Cited count across all citation indexes in your subscription as well as the total number of times a paper was cited by other papers indexed in the following citation indexes.

  • Web of Science Core Collection
  • BIOSIS Citation Index
  • Chinese Science Citation Database
  • Data Citation Index
  • Russian Science Citation Index
  • SciELO Citation Index


Output Records

Options to output records are available from the Cited References page.

To output data for selected records:

  1. Select the check mark in the far left column of a record to include the record in the output.

  2. Go to the bottom of the page and from the Output Records section select the data to include in the selected record.

  3. Select an output option: print, e-mail, save, or export.

See also Output Records


Output Source Records

Bibliographic data and the abstract are available for printing, e-mailing, saving, and exporting. The record must be a source record (in our product) and in your subscription.

To include other data fields in the output, click the Title link of a source record to go to the Full Record page.

Alternatively, add the record to your Marked List page. From the Marked List page, select the data that you want to print, e-mail, save, or export.


Add to Marked List

Add records to your Marked List where you can later print, save, e-mail, order, or export from the Marked List page.

  1. Select each record that you want to add to your Marked List.

  2. Click the Add to Marked List button.

  3. Click the Marked List link in the menu bar at the top of the page to go to the Marked List page.

See also Marking Records


Adding Source Records to the Marked List

Only cited references that are source records (records found in our products) and in your subscription can be added to your Marked List. A Marked List check box will appear in the left column to indicate that the record can be added to your Marked List.


Save to ResearcherID - I Wrote These Publications

This feature allows you (or an authorized administrator) to add your published works to your publication list in ResearcherID. Use this feature if you see records that you wish to claim as your works.

  1. Select the record(s) that you want to include in your publication list in ResearcherID.

  2. Select  Save to ResearcherID - I Wrote These Publications to open a dialog box that displays a message asking you to certify that you are the author (or a designated proxy) of the selected document(s).

  3. One of the following will occur:

  • If you are currently signed in, the system takes you to a processing overlay and adds the selected record(s) to your publication list.

  • If you are not signed in, click the Sign in to ResearcherID link. Enter your credentials, and then press Continue. The system sends you to a processing overlay and adds the selected record(s) to your publication list.

  • If you are not a registered member of ResearcherID, click the Register with ResearcherID link. Enter a valid e-mail address and then press Continue to complete the process.


EN Icon

A red EN icon indicates the record has been saved to your EndNote online library. Click the icon to go to your library.

This icon only appears if you have signed in and if the record is already in your EndNote library.

See also EndNote