
Migration is the automatic transfer of your PatentWeb saved searches, search strategies, and work files into Thomson Innovation.

The Migration Process

If you choose to migrate data from PatentWeb, we immediately start working behind the scenes to move your PatentWeb saved searches, search strategies, and work files into Thomson Innovation.  

Once we have reviewed your PatentWeb files, we will send you an email confirming the number of saved searches, search strategies, and work files to be migrated.  Please review your PatentWeb files to determine if the information in the email is correct.

The next time you log into Thomson Innovation, you will see a migration confirmation screen also showing the number of data items to be migrated.  At this time, you will be asked to confirm that this information is correct.

After confirming the number of items to be migrated, you can go to your Thomson Innovation saved work area and see that your saved searches, search strategies, and work files have been migrated.

Your old account will be disabled.  But, even though you cannot access your account, the data will not be discarded and, if there is a problem, we can access the data for you.  As always, Thomson Scientific Technical Support will be available to answer any questions or help with any problems.

Data That Cannot Be Migrated

Conditions in which PatentWeb data cannot be migrated into Thomson Innovation are shown following:

  1. Saved searches or search strategies with queries that fail Thomson Innovation syntax validation.  These failures will be logged with the message “Query syntax is invalid.”  An example is a saved search or search strategy with queries beginning with the 'NOT' operator, like: IC=(not (K47G019 or V47H770)).

  2. Saved searches or search strategies with queries longer than 4000 characters.  These failures will be logged with the message “Query length is greater than the limit.”

  3. Saved searches or search strategies having patent number search queries whose update year is less than the year 2007.  These failures will be logged with the message “Update year cannot be earlier than 2007.”

  4. Any item (saved search, search strategy, alert, annotation, or work file) having the same name as another item of a similar data type.  These failures will be logged with the message “Name already exists.”

Please note that, if any error occurs in a child component in a combined saved search hierarchy (or search strategy list), the complete combined saved search (or search strategy) errors and none of the items in that ‘set id’ in the .xml file can be migrated.