

Reaction Results

View the reactions that match your structure search query. At the top of the page appears the search statement that retrieved the results, including the selected reactant option.

The actual number of reactions found by the search appears at the top of the page. If, however, your hit count is greater than 500, then only 500 reactions are available for viewing. You can use the navigation buttons to view reaction records. For example:

Results: 650 (500 shown)

Each reaction is accompanied by two links: a link to the Reaction Details page and a link to the Full Record page.

If you want to print a reaction record from this page, select the reaction(s), and then click the Print button.

If your search also retrieved compounds, then click Go to Compound Results button to view the reaction records.


Output Records

Output options are available from the Compound Results and Reaction Results Record pages in the Structure Search function.

  1. Select the check box of each record to include in the output. You can also select all records on the page or a range of records. For example, 5 to 25.

  2. Select an output option: Print, E-mail, Save to File, or Add to Marked List.

Note: From the Reaction Results page, you can save your records to an RD file. From the Compound Results page, you can save your records to an SD file.

See also Output Records


Reactions Marked List

You can add reaction records to your Reactions Marked List and later print them, e-mail them, or save them to an RD file,

  1. Select the check box of each reaction record that you want to add to your Reactions Marked List. You can also select all records on the page or a range of records. For example, 5 to 25.

  2. Click the Marked List icon that appears over the first record in the list to add the selected records to your Reactions Marked List.

  3. Click the Marked List link that appears in the menu bar at the top of the page to go to the Reactions Marked List page.


Copying and Pasting Chemical Structures

You can copy a chemical structure from this page, and then paste the image in the Structure Drawing box in order to create and modify new chemical structures.

  1. Right-click inside the structure to bring up a contextual menu.

  2. Select the Copy option.

  3. Paste the copied structure in the Structure Drawing box on the search page in order to create a new chemical search query.


Create Alert / RSS Button

Click this button if you want to save your search as a Saved Searches alert. The product takes you to the Save Search History dialog where you can save the selected records as a search history, create an e-mail alert, and create an RSS feed.

You must be a registered user and you must sign in to save your results as a search history.

Your institution must have a subscription to alerting to save a search history as an alert -- otherwise, the button does not display. Check with your System Administrator to see if your institution subscribes to alerting.

See Save Search History for more information.


Save to RD File


You can save reaction records to an RD (reaction-data file) file from the Reaction Results page. An RD file consists of a set of editable records. Each record defines a molecule or reaction and its associated data.

You can open an RD file in WordPad or you can use any chemical software tool to import the file.

For more information about RD files, go to the Accelrys CTfile Formats page and request a free copy of their "CTfile Formats" document.

Note: This file format was developed by MDL Information Systems, Inc. It is only available to customers who subscribe to the Structure Search function in the Web of Science Core Collection.


Accessing Compound Records

If your search retrieved compound records as well as reaction records, click the Go to Compound Results button at the top of the page to view the retrieved compound records.


Keep in mind that if your institution subscribes to both the Index Chemicus and the Current Chemical Reactions indexes, then a Compound Data search will create two sets of results: a set of compound records and a set of substructure reaction records.


Problems with Viewing Chemical Structures in Firefox

When using Firefox, you may sometimes see a blank chemical structure image appear on the following pages.

  • Compound Results
  • Compound Details
  • Reaction Results
  • Reaction Details

To fix this problem, press the F5 key to refresh the page in order to view the chemical structure.


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