Usage Reports Glossary

ISI Web of KnowledgeSM Sessions & Turnaways Report

The ISI Web of Knowledge sessions & turnaways report shows the number of sessions and turnaways in ISI Web of Knowledge for the month indicated. To see statistics for a different month, click the ISI Web of Knowledge link at the top of the page. Then select a different year and click Submit.

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Usage Summary Table
Usage Summary Graph

Usage Summary Table

The summary table shows statistics for these variables:

# Sessions


Number of successful logons (connections) to ISI Web of Knowledge in a particular time range for the month indicated.

% Sessions


Number of successful logons (connections) to ISI Web of Knowledge in a particular time range for the month indicated, shown as a percentage of the total number of sessions in the same period.

# Turnaways  

The number of times a user was denied access in a particular time range for the month indicated because the maximum number of number of simultaneous logons had been reached.


The number of times a user was denied access in a particular time range for the month indicated because the maximum number of number of simultaneous logons had been reached, shown as a percentage of the total number of turnaways in the same period.

Totals for each column are shown at the bottom of the table.

If you selected the option to Include IP Addresses and Token IDs on the select a report page, then the table will have an additional column with this heading: IP Address/Token ID. To the right of the IP Address or Token ID in the same row are usage statistics for that identifier. The date of usage is in the row above and to the left of the identifier.

For example, this report shows that from 12:01 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. during the month indicated, the person(s) using a computer whose IP address is 123.45.678 logged a total of 38 sessions and was turned away once.

Time Range
IP Address/
Token ID
12:01 PM to 3:00 PM      
  123.45.678 38
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Usage Summary Graph

Usage data are plotted on a two-dimensional graph.The points on the Y-axis (ordinate) show the usage numbers for the dates plotted on the X-axis (abscissa).

Note: If usage statistics are broken down by IP Address and Token ID, no graph will appear. If you want to see usage data plotted on a graph, return to the Usage Reports Home page. Then select ISI Web of Knowledge again. On the page for selecting the type of usage report, clear the check box Include IP Addresses and Token IDs.

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Documentation version 1.0
This help page last modified 01/30/2003

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