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Full Record

View all of the information about a record that is contained in the Web of Science databases. The title of the document appears at the top of the page.

Any or all of the following fields may appear in a record, depending on the content and type of the source document. If no data are available for a particular field, then the field does not display.

Note Go to Chemical Reactions Fields (Patent Information) for information about patent data fields.

Full Record Fields


The title of the article.


This button opens a new browser Web page that contains a table with NCBI resource names that link to the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). This option is only available for records for which a PubMedID exists.

Visit the NCBI Web site to look for more information on a genome or nucleotide. Explore human genome resources or bring up a Map Viewer to browse the human genome sequence. Enhance your research and find detailed information about molecular biology, computational biology, and more.


The names of all authors. You may see two versions of an author name in records of articles published in 2006 and later. Be aware that you must still search for an author by last name followed by one or more initials.

For newly indexed records, a superscript number may appear after an author's name. This means we have found an association between the author's name and the author's address. When you click the number link, the system takes you to the Addresses field where you can see the author's address.

In some cases, an author may be assigned more than one address and you will see more than one superscript number. In other cases, an author may not be assigned an address while other authors of the same article are assigned an address. This occurs when we cannot determine which address is associated with an author.

The product maintains the author / address association when you print, e-mail, save, and export records. In the Address field of your output document, look for the author's name before the address.

We also maintain the association in citation alerts and journal alerts. Under the Research Institutions Addresses section of the alert, look for the author's name before the address.

Book Author(s)

The names of one or more book authors.

Group Author(s)

The names of one or more institutional authors such as IEEE and Down Syndrome Res Grp .

Book Group Author(s)

The names of one or more institutional authors of a book such as IEEE.


The name of one or more editors of a source publication.

Source (Source, Volume, Issue, Page Range, Published)

Journals: The title of the source publication followed by the volume number, issue number, special issue number, page range, part number, supplement number, and publication date.

Book Series: The title of the source publication followed by the book series title, volume number, page range, and publication date.

Books: The title of the source publication followed by the volume number, page range, and publication date.

Note Not all source information may appear for a journal, book series, or book.

Article Number

A unique identifier assigned by the publisher of the journal.

Times Cited

Displays the total number of records that cite the current record. More about Times Cited?


Displays the total number of records that the current record cites. More about Cited References?

Citation Map icon Citation Map

Click the Citation Map link to create a citation map.

This feature opens a new browser window. It presents the citation relationships (cited references and citing articles) between a paper and other papers in an interactive graphical tree format. More about the Citation Map feature?

Conference Information

The conference name, host, city, state, country, date, and sponsor (up to three sponsors).


A brief summary or description of the essential content from the source document.

Author abstracts are available for the years indicated:

Note Only English-language abstracts are included.

Graphical Abstract

If the record is retrieved from Index Chemicus or Current Chemical Reactions, a graphical abstract shows you structures and reaction flow. You must have the structure drawing plug-in installed in order to view the image.

Right-click inside the abstract box and then select a command to zoom in (enlarge a section), zoom out, print, or copy the image.

Document Type

The selected document type. For example, Article or Proceedings Paper.


The selected language of the source document.

Author Keywords

Author keywords are included in records of articles from 1991 forward. They are also include in conference proceedings records.

Keywords Plus

KeyWords Plus® are index terms created by Thomson Reuters from significant, frequently occurring words in the titles of an article's cited references.

Reprint Address

Contains the reprint address of each author of the article.


The addresses of all authors as supplied by the source journal.

The number before the address is associated with the author name that appears in the Author(s) field with the same (superscript) number. See Author(s) for more information.

E-mail Addresses

The e-mail address(es) of the author(s).

Funding Acknowledgment New Field!

The funding agency, grant number, and funding text.

Grant numbers are typically associated with a funding agency. Each agency may have multiple grant numbers. In some instances, an agency may not have a grant number or it may have a grant number but not an agency name.

Example: National Eye Institute / R03 EY014357

This study was supported in part by the National Eye Institute (R03 EY014357) and the American Brain Tumor Association, Kathy Murphy Translational Research Grant ...


The publisher of the source journal.

Subject Category

The subject category of a journal such as Computer Science or Cybernetics.

IDS Number

The Thomson Reuters Document Solution® number. This number uniquely identifies the journal and issue. It is used to order the full text of the article from Document Solution.


The International Standard Serial Number is a unique eight-digit number that identifies periodical publications such as journals and electronic publications.


The International Standard Book Number is a unique machine-readable identifier that marks a book unmistakably.


The Digital Object Identifier (DOI®) is a system for permanently identifying and exchanging intellectual property in the digital environment.

Example: DOI: 10.1134/S1061920808010020

See http://www.doi.org for more information.

DOI® is a registered trademark of the International DOI Foundation.


If the record was retrieved from Index Chemicus, new compounds reported in the article are listed below the bibliographic record.


If the record was retrieved from Current Chemical Reactions, reactions from each new synthetic method reported in the source article are listed below the bibliographic record.

Chemical Reactions Fields (Patent Information)

Any or all of the following fields may appear in a record, depending on the content and type of the source document. If no data are available for a particular field, then the field does not display.

Patent Title

Title of the patent.

Inventor Names

The inventor(s) of an invention.

Patent Number

The patent number is a unique identifier of a specific patent.

Example: DE10146433-A1


The address of the patent assignee.

Document Type

The selected document type.

Patent Kind

A kind code is a one- or two-character code that indicates the stage in the patenting process.

Patent Date

The date of the granted patent.

Latest Priority Date

The latest date when the patent was filed.

Latest Priority Country

The country where the patent was last filed.

Latest Priority Number

The number of the patent issued by the latest priority country.

Earliest Priority Date

The earliest date when the patent was filed.

Earliest Priority Country

The country where the patent was first filed.

Earliest Priority Number

The number of the patent issued by the earliest priority country.


A graphical display of the reactions.

Output Record

  1. Select the data to include in the record.
  2. Select an output option.

Marked List

Add records to your Marked List where you can later print, save, e-mail, order, or export from the Marked Records page.

  1. Click the Add to Marked List button.
  2. Click the Marked List link to go to the View / Manage Marked Lists page.

A check mark icon indicates the record is in your Marked List.

Want to know more?

Web of Science Options

  • To view records in Web of Science that cite the record you are viewing, click the Cited by link. More about Cited by?

  • To view records in Web of Science that share references with the record you are viewing, click the view related records link. More about Related Records?

  • To view records in Web of Science that the current record cites, click the References link. More about Cited References?

  • To view the current record in Web of Science or another product, click the appropriate link under the Additional Information heading.*

* Subscription to product required

One-Click Search

For linked names (author, editor, group author), click the link to retrieve all records in the product (within the selected timespan and database) that contain the selected name. The new set of results is automatically added to your Search History.

See also Distinct Author Sets.

Create Citation Alert

To add the current record to your Citation Alerts list, click the Create Citation Alert button. When you create a citation alert, Thomson Reuters will notify you by e-mail whenever a document has been cited by a paper.

* Subscription required

ENWeb Option

EndNote Web Library icon Click this icon to go to your EndNote Web library.

This icon only appears if you have signed in and if the record is already in your EndNote Web library. For information on how to save a record to your library, see Save to EndNote Web.

About Database Records

Several factors determine which fields appear in the record. These include:

  • The database(s) you searched;
  • The journal that published the source article;
  • The information included with the source article (for example, some articles do not have abstracts); and
  • The year the source article was published.


Holdings button

This button takes you to your library's online catalog, which will show whether the source publication is held in the library's collection.