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Cited Work

Search for cited journals and cited books.

Journal Titles as Cited Works

Enter an abbreviated journal title. Consult the cited work index to look up abbreviations. There may be more than one abbreviation for a journal. Use truncation to match variations of several abbreviations for the same title. Join multiple journal titles with the search operator OR.

  • Enter Acad* Med* to find references to articles published in the journal Academic Medicine.

  • Enter J Am Chem* OR J Amer Chem* OR Jacs* to find references to articles published in the journal Journal of the American Chemical Society.

  • Enter Mark* Sci* to find references to articles published in the journal Marketing Science.

  • Enter Geol* to find references to articles published in Geology, Geology Journal (abbreviated as Geol J), and other publications beginning with Geol.

Book Titles as Cited Works

Enter the first significant word or words of the title. It is advisable to truncate because of variant spellings. Always truncate the last word. Keep in mind that titles of cited works may be in languages other than English. For example:

  • Enter Stru* Anthro* to look up references to the book Structural Anthropology.

  • Enter Listen* Prozac* to look up references to the book Listening to Prozac.

  • Enter Hens Teeth* to look up references to the book Hen's Teeth and Horse's Toes.

  • Enter Evolut* to look up references to the book What Evolution is.

Patents as Cited Works

Enter the patent number. Do not specify a country code. For example:

Enter 5015744 to look up references to patent number US5015744.

In the Citation index, the country code appears in the Volume column.

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