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Web of Science Databases |
Web of Science consists of seven databases containing information gathered from thousands of scholarly journals, books, book series, reports, and more. The three citation databases contain the references cited by the authors of the articles. You can use these references to do cited reference searching. This type of search allows you to find articles that cite a previously published work.
The two Conference Proceedings citation indexes include the published literature of the most significant conferences, symposia, seminars, colloquia, workshops, and conventions in a wide range of disciplines. Use these databases to track emerging ideas and new research in specific fields.
The two chemistry databases allow you to create structure drawings to find chemical compounds and reactions. You can also search these databases for compound and reaction data. Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI Expanded) Science Citation Index Expanded is a multidisciplinary index to the journal literature of the sciences. It fully indexes over 6,650 major journals across 150 scientific disciplines and includes all cited references captured from indexed articles. Some of the disciplines covered include:
Social Sciences Citation Index® (SSCI®) The Social Sciences Citation Index is a multidisciplinary index to the journal literature of the social sciences. It fully indexes over 1,950 journals across 50 social sciences disciplines. It also indexes individually selected, relevant items from over 3,300 of the world's leading scientific and technical journals. Some of the disciplines covered include:
Arts & Humanities Citation Index® (A&HCI®) Arts & Humanities Citation Citation Index is a multidisciplinary index to the journal literature of the arts and humanities. It fully covers 1,160 of the world's leading arts and humanities journals. It also indexes individually selected, relevant items from over 6,800 major science and social science journals. Some of the disciplines covered include:
Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Science (CPCI-S) This citation index covers conference literature in all scientific and technical fields, including:
Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Social Sciences & Humanities (CPCI-SSH) This citation index covers conference literature in all fields of social sciences, arts, and humanities, including:
Index Chemicus contains the structures and critical supporting data for novel organic compounds reported in leading international journals. Many records show the reaction flow from starting material to final product. Index Chemicus is a vital source of new information on biologically active compounds and natural products. Current Chemical Reactions® (CCR® Expanded) Current Chemical Reactions contains single- and multi-step new synthetic methods taken from leading journals and patents from 39 issuing authorities. The overall reaction flow is provided for each method, along with a detailed and accurate graphical representation of each reaction step.
Proceedings Search You can now search for records of conference proceedings in Web of Science. You must have a subscription to one or both Conference Proceedings citation indexes to search for and to view conference records. Availability of Records in All Databases Search
Records become available in the All Databases Search function generally within 24 hours after we load them in Web of Science. As a result, you may retrieve fewer records (and a smaller Times Cited count) in an All Databases search than in Web of Science during this delayed period. If you encounter this discrepancy, we suggest that you return later and run a new All Databases search. Science Citation Index Expanded Coverage
Social Sciences Citation Index Coverage
Arts & Humanities Citation Index Coverage
Conference Proceedings Citation Indexes Coverage
Index Chemicus Coverage
Current Chemical Reactions
Timespan Options Click timespan for information about available timespan options. About INPI The Institut National de la Propriété Industrielle (INPI) is the French national institute for industrial property. It is the organization where you you can register your trademarks. |