indexCompound DataYou can perform a Compound Data search when you select the Index Chemicus index or when you select both the Index Chemicus and Current Chemical Reactions indexes. If your institution subscribes to only the Index Chemicus index, then the system returns only compound records. indexSearch Logic and RulesThe system uses an implicit AND operator when you enter two or more adjacent chemical terms in the same field or when you initiate a search in which you have entered chemical terms in multiple search fields. For example:
Enclose terms in quotation marks if you wish to search for exact chemical phrases. For example, enzyme activity retrieves compound records that contain the phrase "enzyme inhibiting activity" or "enzyme activity". However, "enzyme activity" only retrieves compound records that contains the phrase "enzyme activity". These rules apply to the following chemical text fields.
Parentheses in Structure Search QueriesYou do not have to use parentheses in your search queries. For example, the following seach queries return the same number of results as Gly AND asp OR ser NOT val.
indexCompound Data Search
indexAfter you click Search, the system takes you to either the Reaction Results page or the Compound Results page. For example:
indexCompound Data FieldsCompound NameEnter the name of a natural product or a compound name without a prefix. For example:
Note: You cannot search on characters such as +/- in the Compound Name field. Remember that the product uses an implicit AND operator when you enter two or more adjacent chemical terms in the same field. For example:
Keep in mind that you can enter hyphenated terms with or without the hyphen. The product returns the same number of results. For example:
Enclose terms within quotation marks ( " " ) if you want to search for exact chemical phrases. indexCompound Biol. Act.Click the Biological Activity List link to go to a search aid where you can search for a biological activity to add to your search. A search aid allows you to select one or more search terms that you can add to your search query. For example, the following are just some of the terms that you can find in the Biological Activity List search aid.
Remember that the product uses an implicit AND operator when you enter two or more adjacent chemical terms in the same field. For example:
Keep in mind that you can enter hyphenated terms with or without the hyphens. The product returns the same number of results. For example:
Important Note: See Selecting Multiple Terms from the Biological Activity List for guidelines on how to search this field using terms selected from the search aid. indexMolecular WeightEnter a single value preceded by the greater than (>) or less than (<) sign. You can also use the ≥ and ≤ relational operators. For example:
indexAbout Compound Data SearchesIf your institution subscribes to both Index Chemicus and Current Chemical Reactions , then a Compound Data search will create two sets of results: a set of compound records and a set of substructure reaction records. Your Compound Data search query will be listed twice in the Search History table. A search for a compound might find 25 compound records and 10 substructure reaction records. The 25 compounds will belong to one set and the 10 reactions to another set. indexTruncationYou can use right-hand truncation in all text fields. Enter at least one character in a field followed by the:
For more detailed information, see Wildcards. indexBoolean OperatorsYou can use the following Boolean Operators in all text fields:
Note: Structure Search does not support the use of the SAME and NEAR Booleans. indexRelational OperatorsYou can use the following numerical operators in all numerical fields.
indexBetween OperatorSelecting the Between option from any of the numerical fields brings up a new field in which you can specify a second value. The system will return results in which the value is between the value that you enter in the Between field and the value that you enter in the And field. indexInformation About ... |