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Compound Data

This section of the Chemical Search page appears if you select the Index Chemicus® database or if you select Current Chemical Reactions® and Index Chemicus. It does not appear if you only select Current Chemical Reactions.

  1. In the Compound Data section, enter term(s) in one or more of the Compound Data search fields. You can enter up to 11 different terms joined by search operators.

  2. If you want to specify a compound's role in a reaction, select one of the following check boxes:
  3. Role


    As Reactant A reactant changes chemically in the course of a reaction. Reactants appear to the left of the reaction arrow.
    As Product The compound created by the reaction. Products appear to the right of the reaction arrow.
    As Catalyst A compound that affects the rate of the reaction but does not change chemically in the course of the reaction.
    As Solvent A liquid used to dissolve or disperse other materials in a solution.

    If you specify a role, then by definition you are searching for reaction information. Consequently, the records you retrieve will be from Current Chemical Reactions only.

  4. [Optional] Scroll up to the Structure Drawing section to enter a structure query and/or scroll down to the Reaction Data section to enter reaction data terms.

  5. Click Search.

Compound Data Fields

Compound Name

Enter the name of a natural product or a compound name without a prefix. For example:

  • mycotrien*
  • carbacyclin (for (+/-)-carbacyclin)
  • C60 or C-60 OR fullerene* OR buckminster*

Compound Biol. Act.

Click the Biological Activity List link to go to a page where you can search for a biological activity to add to your search. For example:

  • antiviral activity
  • insect pheromone activity
  • nicotinic agonistic activity
  • antiviral activity AND antineoplastic activity
  • insect pheromone activity OR insecticidal activity

Molecular Weight

Enter a single value, or a value preceded by the greater than (>) or less than (<) sign. For example:

  • >500
  • <1000
  • >500 AND <1000

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