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Cited Books

Articles indexed in Web of Science® cite books, patents, and other types of publications in addition to other articles. You can do a cited reference search on a book to find journal articles that have cited it.

You should identify a book by entering the name of the first listed author in the Cited Author field and the first word or words of the title in the Cited Work field. Many cited works are abbreviated. If you are not sure how a word has been spelled or abbreviated, enter the first few letters of the word, followed by an asterisk. For example, to search for records of articles that cite Edith Hamilton's book Mythology, you would enter Hamilton E* in the Cited Author field and Myth* in the Cited Work field.

Do not enter a year in the Cited Year field. Authors often cite a particular edition of a book, and the cited year is the year of the edition they are citing. Generally, you want to find all articles that cite a book, regardless of the particular edition cited.

For example, enter the following data on the Cited Reference Search page, and then click Search.

Tuchman BW



Note the number of references that are retrieved. Now repeat the search using the following data:

Tuchman B*


See how many more references you retrieved? Notice that the author has been cited as Tuchman B as well as Tuchman BW. Also, notice how many different cited years and cited page numbers there are for the same work.

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