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Publication Name |
Enter a publication name to search the Source field within a record. The product retrieves:
Enter a full or partial (truncated) publication name. If you enter a partial publication name, end it with the asterisk (*) wildcard. Join multiple titles by the OR search operator. Publication Name Search Rules If you enter a word or phrase, you will retrieve records of articles from journals whose titles begin with the word or phrase. For example, Architect* will retrieve records of articles from journals whose titles begin with the text string Architect and end with any group of letters (or with no letters), such as:
Conference Proceedings Search Rules Always search on the main title of a conference, book, or journal. Do not include the subtitle. For example, the following searches are valid:
However, do not include a source subtitle in the search query. The following searches are not valid because they include a source subtitle.
Publication Name Index Use the Publication Name Index to access a list of titles that you can add to your query. Using the index allows you to locate the preferred titles to add to your search. Search Examples
Journal Title Changes The journal title list is posted on the Scientific business Web site of Thomson Reuters. It includes new journal titles added to Web of Science over the past 12 months. Want to know more? Search Tip Do not enter an abbreviated publication name because the product will not retrieve any results. |