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Compound Details (See Also Reaction Details)

The Compound Details page allows you to see information about an individual compound. It consists of the following elements.

Compound # of #

The number of the compound out of the total number of compounds from the source publication.

Use the navigation buttons to see other compounds from the same article.

Authors/Source Title

Displays the names of the first three authors and the full title of the article. Click the article title to view the Full Record for this compound.

Compound Number

A unique identifier for the compound assigned by Thomson Reuters.

Author Number

The number assigned to the compound by the author.

Compound Image

Right-click to zoom in on the structure.

Compound Data

Symbol, Grade, Bioactivity and Activity Status. (The status is either tested or potential.)

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Reaction Details (See Also Compound Details)

The Reaction Details page allows you to see all of the information available for a single reaction. From this page, you view the Full Record of the source publication from which the reaction was taken.

The Reaction Details page consists of the following elements.

Reaction # of #

The number of the reaction out of the total number of reactions extracted from the source publication. Use the navigation buttons to see other reactions from the same article or patent.


Displays the names of the first three authors or inventors and the full title of the article or patent. Click the article title to view the Full Record for this reaction.

Reaction Number

A unique identifier for the reaction assigned by Thomson Reuters.


A path denotes a single synthetic method, identified by a letter followed by a number. For example, A1 and A2 refer to two examples of the same synthetic method. A1 and B1 refer to two different synthetic methods.


The number of the reaction in a synthetic sequence. For example, 2 of 3 denotes step two in a three-step synthesis, and 1 Step denotes a one-step synthesis.


The KeyRxn, or key reaction, is the step that shows the novel chemistry.

Reaction Image

Right-click to zoom in, zoom out, or print the image. The structure drawing plug-in must be installed to use this option.

Reaction Conditions

Atmosphere, Pressure, Time, Temperature, Refluxed (D denotes a refluxed reaction), and other conditions.

Catalyst and Solvent Data

Symbol and grade of each catalyst and solvent.

Reactant and Product Data

Symbol, Grade, Biological Activity, and Yield.


Displays any available comments.


Displays the keyphrases for this reaction.

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